Saturday, November 20, 2010

To dance or not to dance

I don't dance.

I cringe inwardly when people ask me if I dance.

For one, it's awkward. For two, I cannot even picture myself cavorting on the dance floor, as if I do not have a care in the world.  It makes me blush merely thinking about it.

But of course today I was asked that cringe worthy question by none other than the individual who inspired me to start this blog (see my first ever entry: "How to Dissaude a Pursuer")

For the last few months, I've been bumping into this guy repeatedly when I've gone to the library to study. It's still pretty awkward when I see him, I'll be honest. But I overcompensate for awkward moments by talking non stop. Maybe it'd work better if I just sat there. In silence.

His dog has cancer though, so he comes in to the vet clinic a lot to get her pain medication. And I talk about (what else) Biology and how nicely the semester is progressing.

But then....then he asks:

"Do you ever go dancing?"

Maybe he saw my inner cringing. Or my face turning red. Or maybe I made a face. In any event, I explained that no, I do not dance. It's been long suggested to me that I need to get out there and do it, but try as I might, stepping that far out of my comfort zone is, in a word, IMPOSSIBLE.

Perhaps at this points he suspects that I am suspecting that he is asking me out, so he restates himself and says:

"We could go dancing in Boulder. As friends of course"

Why of course! Friends!

I feel that if you have to include the term "just friends" as part of your speech, then the opposite is true.

I'm just not the dancing type.

1 comment:

  1. We are a rare breed Sarah.

    I reluctantly started dancing in 1969 due to peer pressure. I loved the music, but hated the wiggling.

    In 1970 I asked a girl to go dancing and was turned down. When I asked her a second time, she replied [with some exasperation in her voice] that she couldn't dance, because she was Baptist, who didn't allow dancing or card playing [gateway drugs]. I was thrilled! We "went steady" for two years. My how conservative Christianity has conformed to the world in the past 40 years. Fortunately for me in the late '60s, music became more about listening than the wiggling of the '50s and early '60s.

    [PS: They almost canceled our '72 senior prom due to lack of interest. This perhaps was due to the new focus on listening, but also I think the student mood to rebel against anything status quo in large part due to the Vietnam War and the fact that the draft was still in effect. There was a lot more questioning and a lot less support the troops-ing when your own son could be hauled off to fight in a questionable war.]

    Always enjoy your blogs, and I still don't dance. [Dale]
